SHADOWVERSE: EVOLVE - Booster Set #9 "Duet of Dawn and Dusk" - EN
1 pack: 8 cards
1 box: 12 packs
Cards Included
Cards by Rarity (137 in total)
B (Bronze): 42
S (Silver): 35
G (Gold): 33
L (Legendary): 27
*In addition, there are a total of 46 foiled versions of Bronze, Silver, and Gold cards.
*Each pack contains at least one Gold card or better.
*Each box contains at least one Super Legendary card or better.
Special Foils (36 in total)
SL (Super Legendary): 27
U (Ultimate): 7
SP (Special): 2
*Super Legendary cards are foiled versions of Legendary cards with a different frame design.
*Ultimate and Special cards are foiled versions of base-rarity cards with a different illustration and frame design.
Token Cards: 18 (4 new + 14 reprints)
*In addition, there are a total of 4 foiled versions of token cards.
Release Termin
Mitte April 2025
Produkt Information
Cygames, Bushiroad