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Shadowverse Evolve -Starter Deck - Regal Fairy Princess

Shadowverse Evolve -Starter Deck - Regal Fairy Princess

€29.95 Regular Price
€24.71Sale Price
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Zum bekannten App Spiel von Shadowverse kommt jetzt ein Brand neues Trading Card Game! 

Shadowverse Envolve!

Das Weltweit beliebte Spiel von Cygames kommt nach Europa.

Seid einer der ersten, die das Spiel ausprobieren kann und sichert euch die ersten Starer decks mit Ultra seltene Karten sowie sehr schönen Artwork und ein atemberaubendes Spielerlebnis!



Starter Deck #1 Regal Fairy Princess

Harness the power of nature with Forestcraft! Play multiple cards in the same turn to utilize effects and strengthen your cards.

Product Specifications

  • - 1 prebuilt deck (40 main deck cards + 10 evolve cards)
  • - 1 leader card
  • - 10 token cards
  • - 3 Evolution Point cards
  • - 1 playmat
  • - 1 rule sheet (double-sided)
  • - 1 defense counter
  • - 2 sheets of punch-out counters

Each starter deck contains 20 unique types of cards.

Cards by rarity:

  • L (Legendary) 1 type
  • G (Gold) 1 type
  • S (Silver) 4 types
  • B (Bronze) 14 types

Card size: 63mm x 88mm (Same as Weiß Schwarz cards)
Deck construction: 1 leader card, 40-50 card main deck, 0-10 card evolve deck, up to 3 copies of the same card (deck may only consist of cards from your leader's class and/or the Neutral class).

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